Selective androgen receptors modulator (SARM). This nonsteroidal substance was designed to bind to androgen receptors in the muscles and bones with high affinity and selectivity, thus not inducing adverse androgenic effects on the skin and the prostate gland. It's a perfect choice for athletes independently of practiced sports discipline. It'll significantly accelerate post-workout recovery, increases lean muscle mass and strength, raise energy levels, and prevent fatigue. Following numerous reports, ostarine is commonly found to have a moderate potential to improve the functioning of joints.
Ostarine doesn't cause a rise in estrogen and is well-tolerated by internal organs. However, prolonged use may negatively impact the HDL-LDL ratio and temporarily suppress testosterone release.
Women use it at 5mg doses, while men use 10-30mg daily. Ostarine has a half-life of 24 hours, so it can be taken once daily.
Stacking with testosterone is highly recommended. It goes well in pair with all AAS, MK-677, and Cardarine.